General Rules

  • It is expected from the Parents/Guardians that they should take proper care of assignments given by the school and keep themselves in touch with the school authorities regarding day-to-day progress of the student(s). It is also expected that Parent/ Guardians will immediately inform school authorities regarding any irregularities in home study or in completion of the assignments given by the school.
  • Parents/Guardians are requested to attend Parents-Teachers meet every month to adjudge the performance of students.
  • Parents/Guardians are requested to feel free in giving us valuable suggestions. We always welcome complaints with positive approach and ensure the best remedies thereof at the earliest.
  • No jewellery should be worn and no makeup of any kind is to be used by the students.
  • All school functions are to be attended in school uniform by the school students.
  • Gates will be closed for late corners as soon as the bell rings for the assembly.
  • Parents are not allowed to enter any class.
  • No student is to be absent without written leave application duly signed by the Parents.
  • Long nails are completely forbidden. Nails should be trimmed.
  • From the first day of the new session, if the child remains absent continuously for 7 days without any information, his/her name will be struck off from the school roll.
  • Use of mobile phone or any gadgets are strictly prohibited in school campus. If found, it will be broken immediately.